Friday, December 18, 2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Peace, love & joy to all this holiday season
Saw this cute snowman on Unsplash and had to post it! Wishing all of my readers the best, now and always. #happyholidays #whodoesntloveagoodsnowman
Photo by Shelley Pauls on
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Lockdown Love is available now!
Want a quick, positive distraction? My newest romance, Lockdown Love, is available now!
Find out if love can blossom from six feet away in this romantic comedy that will keep you guessing until the end.
Get it now on Amazon!
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Happy Mother's Day!
To all the moms who clean the house only to see it (in real time) being messed up again behind them, sit down to a cold meal after making sure everyone else is fed, stay up all night with a sick child or crying baby and go without meaningful sleep for days (or years!), soothe their children through disappointments and nurture and encourage them to keep trying, help with schoolwork (and now homeschooling) and juggle a million balls to keep everything on track, are there to offer advice or be a shoulder to lean on or cry on, or provide a safe place to always turn to for a warm hug and assurances that everything will be okay. Moms do so much and their job never ends and their hearts are always full to overflowing with the love they feel for their kids. To all the moms out there who put others before themselves, work so hard every day, and who are now shepherding our kids (and ourselves!) through trying, scary, uncertain times—Happy Mother’s Day. You are seen and you are so very much appreciated. #MomsRuletheWorld. #WhatWouldWeDoWithoutMoms
Image credit: Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash